Saturday, July 27, 2013

VBS Ends and a Visit to Madison

Vacation Bible School went well this week, I finished subbing for a summer chem course, and the weather has cooled off.  We drove up to Madison, WI, on Friday night to visit the Kaeders and to drop Kris off with my parents today.  Last night, some of us attended a LEGO architecture event at a Barnes and Noble bookstore in the Madison area.  The models were OK, with most of the bricks in these sets being white.  I could not think of anything really inspiring, so I tried to build a model of the Olin Hall of Science at Bradley University where I work (I realized just how far I was off when I was there checking on some reactions tonight). We did not get to keep the models, but Kristine and I both won door prizes (the only ones offered - what are the chances of that happening?)  Today, we visited State Street Brats (good atmosphere, but disappointing service and food), Babcock Hall for ice cream (of course that was good), and later the National Mustard Museum in Middleton, WI.  Tonight we are back home.

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