Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Home Again

We got back to Peoria today. What a weather contrast: light snow leaving Green Bay, and upper 40's and almost no snow in the neighborhood when we reached Peoria. Overall, it was a very enjoyable trip north to celebrate Christmas and my parents' 40th anniversary. Here is a picture from the anniversary dinner. Karen's dad and stepmom are now here visiting for the next few days.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Visit "Up North"

Visited my parents' cabin near Mountain, WI, today. The snow is thick - and pretty - up there. We got up there not long before sunset, but Dace, Susan, Kris, and I made a quick dash to the summit of the outcrop near the cabin. Kris made a snow angel at the summit. It was interesting watching the wind gusts kicking up clouds of snow in the distance.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Lots of snow in Green Bay

Green Bay has been getting lots of snow this winter, more than I have seen in years. We had another 4-5" of powdery stuff last night. I'm not sure how deep it is here at my parents' house, but it was up to my knees when I was wearing my boots. I finally got to use my snowshoes today, but I only got 9 inches of "float" from them - therefore the snow was halfway up my calves WITH the snowshoes. Tiring, but fun! Pictures of Kris, my nephew Arlan (he says "Uncle Dean" very cutely), and my dad are attached.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Everybody made it up to Green Bay to celebrate Christmas and see lots of relatives. Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wintry Mix

The ice on the trees and power lines and so many other things has proven remarkably tenacious in the cold weather. Some people are still without power. It is melting, especially with warmer temps today. I really struggled to capture pictures of how beautiful it was, though. Entire groves of trees looked like they were made of glass. Here is one of the maple in our front yard, and another of our aptly named icicle lights.
In other news, we were all packed up to travel to Green Bay for Christmas today, but waves of wintry weather between us and our destination are in our way. We hope to be there at Christmas. My brother's family is dealing with airport delays traveling from Seattle, but my sister successfully fought her way up from Chicago early this morning. On the plus side, I have made some paperwork progress today.

Among the things we have been doing over the past few days is watching selections from my large collection of Christmas videos. A funny cartoon short that we have featuring Chip, Dale, and Donald Duck called "Toy Tinkers" can be found on YouTube, for example at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miEi3F8s8H8

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Glazed Over

We got a quarter inch of ice Friday morning and it is STILL HERE on Saturday night. It just has not warmed up enough. It is so pretty and I have taken LOTS of pictures, but there has been some damage with downed power lines and branches. We lost power for a little while on Friday morning; 9000 customers are still without power tonight. Tomorrow it's supposed to be windy, which could wreak havok on the already heavily laden trees and lines. Lots of church services and other events are being canceled in anticipation of the wind, iciness, and cold. It should be interesting.

In other news, Bradley had its December graduation this morning (marking the "end" of a long semester) and the keynote speaker was Patrick Fitzgerald. He is the nationally famous U.S. District Attorney involved in terrorism cases, taking down Governor Ryan, and now going after Governor Blagojevich. He was scheduled as a speaker well before the whole Blagojevich thing, but it certainly made people more interested in what he was going to say. Of course, he did not say anything about the case, but he spent his ten minutes touting public service as a very rewarding career path.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Light snowflakes fell from a sunny sky this morning. Here are some pictures of them on the sunroof of my car. What was also cool was how when they melted the drops had the shapes of snowflakes. Recommended reading: the children's book "Snowflake Bentley".

In other news: we might have a significant ice storm on Thursday. Also, Bradley graduate and retiring local U.S. Representative Ray LaHood (R) has been tapped to be Barack Obama's Transporation Secretary. (I sat a table near him at a local restaurant just last week.)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All sorts of weather

Between finals, Christmas preparations, and a bunch of other things, the Campbell household has been really busy. The weather has been up and down, with a windy thaw, a cold snap, and now a couple inches of snow. Saturday I parked our car at the edge of a store parking lot and when I came back to the car later a couple of shopping carts had blown across the lot (the tumbleweeds of capitalism?) into the car. The other picture is of Kris brushing Bugs.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Karen's honors

Karen has been doing so well in school that she has been inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi honor society.
I was in East Peoria today and stopped by the riverfront to take some pix. Tonight I took some birch bark that I collected in Wisconsin over Thanksgiving and made a little Christmas tree (I saw ones like these for sale a while back).

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Miners' Car

A few years ago, I found out that a woman at our church has a sister whose boyfriend was killed in the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount Saint Helens. When I visited the volcano in August, 2008 (see previous entries) I found the person's name, Richard A. Parker, on the memorial, along with those of his aunt Natalie and uncle Donald. When I got back I tried doing a little web searching to find out how they died. Apparently the aunt and uncle had a cabin and mine (gold, I think) near Meta Lake. Richard was caught outside by the blast and thrown. I have never been to the actual lake before in my many visits, but I have been very close. It turns out that the Miners Car (a car blown around by the blast and left as a memorial) belonged to the aunt and uncle. I have included a picture of the car from a book and one that I shot in August, 2007. I relayed these pictures to my church contact; she passed them to her sister, who told her that she remembers riding in that car. I was also told that the couple knew there was a risk but chose to ignore it. Anyway, I thought this was sort of one of those small world kind of things, and helps add color and context to an event that I have an interest in.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday Stuff

Our rabbit, Bugs, was ill this week and the illness could have potentially been fatal if left untreated, so we took him to the vet. He seems to be recovering, but is not at 100% yet. One of our remaining pumpkins have ripened indoors so we cooked it. We started putting up indoor Christmas decorations today. (Karen pointed out that for the two last years we have had snowdays in early December to work on this.) Here is an experiment in decorating using our bird's nest collection and silver Christmas balls. We are also working on shopping and the letter.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Campus conjunctions

I missed the closest meeting of the moon, Venus, and Jupiter on Monday night due to clouds, but here they are above campus on Tuesday night. (Venus is on the left and Jupiter is on the right, just to the left of the clock tower.) I have also attached another curious conjunction picture.