Picking up where I left off on Monday's blog, on Saturday I again climbed the "big rock" behind my parents cabin. It has been another dry summer up in northern WI, and some of the leaves are already turning colors as a result. That, coupled with the unseasonably cool weather last weekend, made it seem like September rather than July. There were lots of (little) blueberries up there. Later, Dad showed us a different perspective on the "big rock" (in background of second pic) - from another, smaller outcrop to the east. Later on we went for a drive to visit Veteran's Falls, which were nice, and then a reservior that I had camped near as a kid (at Twin Bridges Park) but don't remember very well. If you look closely at the picture of the dam you can see one of the big pipes is leaking - that was a bit disconcerting. After church (found a tick on my leg in church, but kept my language in check) and dinner, we headed back to the cabin and watched a movie. Sunday morning I visited a nearby abandoned farm, then we hung out at the cabin and packed up (and Mom showed us a lot of cool pictures of her childhood) and then headed back home.
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