Tonight was picture night for Katie's soccer team. Their first game is on Saturday.
In other news, after a long wait, we have finally gotten the contract for a sabbatical. We will be heading to Austin, Texas(yes that is in the United Sates), where I have accepted an eleven-month position at the University of Texas-Austin. I will be doing research in various areas of chemistry in nanotechnology and education. My contract starts August 1; I will probably head out in advance of the rest of my family. We have a lot of preparation work to do - do you know anybody that would like to rent our house next year? We are all nervous about the whole thing, but also know that sabbaticals can be a very positive experience for the whole family. Anyway, we have been wanting to tell you all this for a long time, but the whole thing has been touch and go since - oh - last September - and I wanted to wait until the contract was finally signed on this April 11, 2011.