Last night we celebrated New Year's Eve with the Jagnow family in Round Rock. Lots of illegal fireworks were set off (not by us) in central Texas last night to celebrate. It looks like the meds knocked out my bronchitis, by the way. This afternoon Katie and I went to be good planetary stewards and take the decorations off the tree we decorated on HWY360 and were surprised to find it nearly stripped clean. I do not think they fell or blew off. Were we too close to a nature area? Were our dollar-store decorations that attractive? Were we visited by the Grinch? We will likely never know. On the way back home we stopped at a little park with trails that ran along Bull Creek. It had a pretty nice little waterfall. Some weather numbers: December was the wettest month of 2011 at 4.93 inches (average is 2.40 inches). Annual 2011 total was 19.68 inches (average is 34.24 inches).
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