Sunday, December 16, 2012

Guadete Sunday Weekend

Bradley University had its graduation yesterday.  It was all right, but I'm looking forward to next December's graduation more if Karen stays on track to graduate as planned.  Grades are posted, and I'm turning my attention to other projects at school.  Today was the last Sunday School of the year, with the Jesse tree program, too. Katie and a friend worked hard to make a manger scene just as shown on the box.   At home this weekend, Karen went on an epic cookie-making binge and I helped her as an excuse to snitch cookies.  Some were green and gold to celebrate the Packer win. I'm still processing the news about the shooting at that Connecticut school and its context.  It is definitely tragic, and there are certainly other gun-related tragedies ongoing around the world with wars in Syria and other places.  Peoria has had lots of gun violence this year.  A cabin in northern Wisconsin belonging to people I know was burglarized just this weekend (it seems the burglar was seeking only guns - and only got a BB gun for the efforts).  I am OK with the right to bear arms, but I'm not convinced arming teachers or expanding concealed carry would fix things.

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