Saturday, February 9, 2013

Indoor garden

We got some herb seeds last weekend and planted them in a little greenhouse tray during the Super Bowl last weekend.  Some seeds have already sprouted.  I ordinarily like snow, but since I can't play in it and it is a slip hazard I do not mind that we really have very little of it.  It is quite a contrast with the big snow we got two years ago around Groundhog Day.   I am looking forward to things getting green, however.  Our only other household plants are our poinsettia  - a leftover from Christmas at our church - and "Spike" - our agave cactus from Austin.  Things are pretty busy around here, especially with just one driver. Note also the boxes of Girl Scout cookies in the upper picture (Katie is a Daisy Scout). I have found out since the last blog entry that the warfarin is doing what it is supposed to be doing, but the break in my foot bone is taking longer than I had hoped to heal, so it is going to be at least another seven weeks of not putting weight on that foot.  At least that little bone seems to be healing straight and at this point there was no mention of pins, screws, etc.  Since my next appointment is on Holy Thursday the joke is that I am giving up walking for Lent.  Chinese New Year tomorrow - it will be the Year of the Snake.

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