Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

Final exam season for me - it has been keeping me busy. Karen went to Virginia Beach to visit her family and celebrate her grandma's 90th birthday.  Hopefully the rest of the family can visit sometime outside of the school year.  Karen had a good time, and returned safely to Peoria this evening.  While she was gone on Friday, Kristine and some Bradley students helped to do science demos at Katie's elementary school.  Elsewhere in the school, one of the teachers brought in many animals, and my girls got to handle a pygmy African hedgehog (Karen and I had one back in the 90s, when I was in graduate school). One of the side issues with doing all of those demos is where to hose off and dry the tarps - for me it is my backyard.  On Saturday, I took the girls bumper-bowling.  Katie stunned us with a 107 and 3 spares in one game! (She also got a kick out of the hand-dryer.) Saturday was windy, knocking down this tree on Bradley's campus.  On Sunday, the girls and I drowned our sorrows over lack of Karen at a yummy Chinese buffet.

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