Friday, August 23, 2013

School Begins, 20th Anniversary, and a Birthday

Karen, Kris, and Katie all started school on Monday with a half day.  Things went pretty well, so initial jitters seem to be calming down, now we are just pretty busy.  My classes start next week, so I am still busy with prep work.  On Wednesday was Karen's and my 20th anniversary.  It's both hard to believe it was so long ago, but at the same time it does seem like it was another lifetime.  It blows my mind to think that I am now the same age now as my parents were when I got married.  Karen and I had a nice dinner (also celebrated my birthday), and then later at home we watched the wedding video.  It was more interesting to see all the friends and family faces from 20 years ago than my own.  Kristine was quite amused at my attempts at hip-hop dancing from back then.

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