Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Home Again

Monday, December 29, 2008
Visit "Up North"

Visited my parents' cabin near Mountain, WI, today. The snow is thick - and pretty - up there. We got up there not long before sunset, but Dace, Susan, Kris, and I made a quick dash to the summit of the outcrop near the cabin. Kris made a snow angel at the summit. It was interesting watching the wind gusts kicking up clouds of snow in the distance.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Lots of snow in Green Bay

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wintry Mix

In other news, we were all packed up to travel to Green Bay for Christmas today, but waves of wintry weather between us and our destination are in our way. We hope to be there at Christmas. My brother's family is dealing with airport delays traveling from Seattle, but my sister successfully fought her way up from Chicago early this morning. On the plus side, I have made some paperwork progress today.
Among the things we have been doing over the past few days is watching selections from my large collection of Christmas videos. A funny cartoon short that we have featuring Chip, Dale, and Donald Duck called "Toy Tinkers" can be found on YouTube, for example at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miEi3F8s8H8
Among the things we have been doing over the past few days is watching selections from my large collection of Christmas videos. A funny cartoon short that we have featuring Chip, Dale, and Donald Duck called "Toy Tinkers" can be found on YouTube, for example at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miEi3F8s8H8
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Glazed Over

We got a quarter inch of ice Friday morning and it is STILL HERE on Saturday night. It just has not warmed up enough. It is so pretty and I have taken LOTS of pictures, but there has been some damage with downed power lines and branches. We lost power for a little while on Friday morning; 9000 customers are still without power tonight. Tomorrow it's supposed to be windy, which could wreak havok on the already heavily laden trees and lines. Lots of church services and other events are being canceled in anticipation of the wind, iciness, and cold. It should be interesting.
In other news, Bradley had its December graduation this morning (marking the "end" of a long semester) and the keynote speaker was Patrick Fitzgerald. He is the nationally famous U.S. District Attorney involved in terrorism cases, taking down Governor Ryan, and now going after Governor Blagojevich. He was scheduled as a speaker well before the whole Blagojevich thing, but it certainly made people more interested in what he was going to say. Of course, he did not say anything about the case, but he spent his ten minutes touting public service as a very rewarding career path.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In other news: we might have a significant ice storm on Thursday. Also, Bradley graduate and retiring local U.S. Representative Ray LaHood (R) has been tapped to be Barack Obama's Transporation Secretary. (I sat a table near him at a local restaurant just last week.)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
All sorts of weather

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Karen's honors

I was in East Peoria today and stopped by the riverfront to take some pix. Tonight I took some birch bark that I collected in Wisconsin over Thanksgiving and made a little Christmas tree (I saw ones like these for sale a while back).
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Miners' Car

A few years ago, I found out that a woman at our church has a sister whose boyfriend was killed in the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount Saint Helens. When I visited the volcano in August, 2008 (see previous entries) I found the person's name, Richard A. Parker, on the memorial, along with those of his aunt Natalie and uncle Donald. When I got back I tried doing a little web searching to find out how they died. Apparently the aunt and uncle had a cabin and mine (gold, I think) near Meta Lake. Richard was caught outside by the blast and thrown. I have never been to the actual lake before in my many visits, but I have been very close. It turns out that the Miners Car (a car blown around by the blast and left as a memorial) belonged to the aunt and uncle. I have included a picture of the car from a book and one that I shot in August, 2007. I relayed these pictures to my church contact; she passed them to her sister, who told her that she remembers riding in that car. I was also told that the couple knew there was a risk but chose to ignore it. Anyway, I thought this was sort of one of those small world kind of things, and helps add color and context to an event that I have an interest in.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Saturday Stuff

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday and Sunday activities

Saturday we went to Door County to visit Karen's dad and stepmom and her uncle, aunt, and cousins. I also went for a walk and took some pix of an abandoned schoolhouse. Today we drove back to Peoria and encountered more snow than we anticipated. After unpacking, Kris and I added to our outdoor decorations.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday stuff
Here is a recent picture of construction of the new Bradley University

The weather was relatively warm this afternoon, so I hauled downed branches out of the woods, cut or broke them into reasonable lengths, split some of the wider pieces, and stacked them. It was good exercise, but rigor mortis is starting to set in.
Tonight we watched the "Clone Wars" movie, which we rented. It was not as good as the six movies, but it is still Star Wars. For the sake of the battle scenes I wish I had seen the movie in theaters. There was no scrolling exposition text at the beginning! Kris was initially not interested in seeing it, but she got really into it. She liked the silly lines by the battle droids (e.g. "Outnumbered? Let me count...). She had not remembered much of the other movies; I guess it is time for a refresher.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday stuff

Tonight we helped Kris study for an exam about Illinois history and geography. It reminds me a little about learning about Wisconsin history at about her age. Y'know we send our Catholic daughter to a Protestant school and have not had too many issues, but I tell you, raising Kris as an Illinoisian weighs heavily on me sometimes. Born and raised in Illinois, now learning about geography of this state more than Wisconsin....I'm motivated to say stuff like "What river forms the western border of the state? The Misssissippi? Good! By the way it also forms the western border of Wisconsin." Trying to maintain that cheesy heritage!
Tonight we attended a play at Bradley (Karen won free tickets for most of the season). The play was a postmodern deconstruction of the Greek trilogy Oresteia (so they said). It was an interesting mix of conventional staging, projection, puppetry, audience plant interaction, and even text messaging. It got a bit preachy/un-subtle and had a bit of rough language, but the most unusual part was when they summoned the audience plants up to the stage near the end to act as the jury for Orestes. One of the names they called was a "Mr. Campbell" - I had a moment of panic there!!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Piano playing
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Canning Weekend

Friday, November 14, 2008
New LEGO model

Others have built the structure using very unorthodox LEGO pieces, but I was going for basic blocks. This I have viewed, if nothing else, as a good challenge. (It’s kind of like the game “Jenga” with LEGO bricks.) A couple nights ago I got to thinking about it again and hit upon a new approach. The result is not a perfect sphere and it’s not the strongest structure (especially when the support rods are removed), but it does feature the appropriate number and pattern of hexagons and pentagons.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
November Oak Leaves

Stopped by Lauterbach Park in Bartonville for a little while this morning. No luck fossil hunting in such a short time, but I took some pix that I like. This afternoon we raked (hopefully for the last time) and I put up the icicle lights on the house. I hope I will not be accused of contributing to "Christmas creep" as columnist Gregg Easterbrook likes to talk about, but we do not plan to light the lights much until after Thanksgiving.
By the way, my wife, Karen Campbell, now has an page on Facebook. Look her up sometime!
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