For years I have thought it would be interesting to raft/canoe/kayak Kickapoo Creek, the waterway about a mile or so from my house. At one point people were trying to develop it into a canoe route. Earlier, this week a colleague (Edward Flint) and his daughter ran down part of the creek and it went fine, so today he and I ran the same stretch. It was fun! There were plenty of obstacles (logs, sandbars, tires...) and I forgot how to canoe, but Edward was very patient and the weather and scenery were great. We did sight something strange...a croc! Wouldn't you think they would be more common in the waterways of the south than in Peoria? The picture of the croc is in the lower left of the picture below. Another observation: toward the top of the picture you can see dried weeds in the tree branches - that creek level can vary quite a bit throughout the year.
Tonight we went swimming at the Lakeview Aquatic Center for the first time, because a state representative (Leitch) opened up the pool for free for kids who read at least 8 books this summer. Kris easily did that, but what surprised me was that there were not that many people there. Here Kris is pefecting her cannonball form.

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