We picked Kris up from the birthday party thsi morning and then went to church. No Sunday school today. This afternoon the Bradley Chemistry Department had its picnic. We launched a rocket, ate a lot, and played games. Andrew Bosma brought a water balloon launcher and I volunteered to be a target. It was pretty easy talking trash to the shooters, because for a while the could not hit the broad side of a barn, but in the end they got me really good and it looked like I wet my pants! Karen and Kris had to leave early so she could get a prize for their participation in the Science Treasure Hunt this past summer (they went to lots of cool places). Then Karen and I went to a faculty social in downtown Peoria (I changed clothes). Looking down from the 25th floor of the building we were in, we could see that the floodwaters have retreated significantly. Apparently the water reached nearly to the orange traffic cones not far behind behind the wall that says "Mountains Move".