Karen and I had no school on Monday or today, so we drove up to Chicago to take care of some adoption paperwork. Kris stayed with friends since she had school. The meetings were scheduled for Tuesday, so on Monday we drove up to Schaumberg to do some shopping at IKEA and Woodfield Mall. I think sometimes that IKEA is Swedish for "strange" but we found some items. I thought this lamp that looks like a dandelion puff is neat, but we did not buy it. This Tuesday morning we visited our adoption social worker near Chicago. The office recently moved and the new location was not well-marked, but we found the place and the meeting went well. After that we drove into the city to visit the Chinese consulate for visa stuff. I had envisioned some big, black intimidating office building. Well, the building was big and black, but the as far as we could discern the consulate only occupied a portion of the fifth floor! It was sort of like a visit to the DMV, with a big waiting area. We got our number at 11, the place closes for lunch from noon to 1, and we were called after lunch at about 1:20 and were ready to leave by 1:30. I'm happy we got through as quickly as we did. For lunch we walked over to a Portillo's and I had a realization about Chicago style hot dogs: I am not fond of mustard, pickle relish, or tomatoes by themselves, but TOGETHER they were pretty good. We headed back to Peoria and had dinner with the family of one of Kris's school friends, who watched her this afternoon.
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