This weekend my parents visited. It was fun, but I had what I thought was a cold all weekend. Last night I had a fever, too. I visited a doctor today and tested positive for Influenza A. Since I had seasonal flu shot this year (and it is thought that the seasonal flu has not really hit the area yet) we think it might have been a brush with H1N1. I was given permission to return to work on Tuesday as long as my fever does not come back. Neither my parents, Karen, nor Kris have any sign of getting it, thankfully. Interestingly, today Peoria County FINALLY had its first H1N1 vaccine clinic. We want to get Kris vaccinated as soon as possible and we hope that the immunity sticks before she gets it from me. The clinic was a ways north of town and we had to wait 2.5 hours, but she got the nasal vaccine. Karen was not in any risk group so she could not get a vaccine, and even though I am asthmatic, my fever was too recent to be vaccinated. Karen was interviewed live for the 5 pm news while we were there.
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