Well, lots of items. Monday night one of Karen's friends threw her a baby shower for our future adoptee. Kris went with Karen; I went to a Christmas party held by the Bradley Chemistry Club. Tuesday we had a nice less than 1" snowfall, followed later by rain which melted much of the snow. This morning the heavy rain changed to light snow. The winds picked up, too. I had to chase my trash bag down the street and took down a few yard decorations so they would not blow away. This bitter cold snap will last a few more days. Tuesday was the last day of classes, Kris had her Christmas concert at school, and we got news of our much awaited travel dates to China - Jan 8-29. When I think about all the things that could still go awry I want to curl up in a ball, but I thank God for the wonderful opportunity. Today was study day - finals start tomorrow. Five students and I did a demo show at a junior high school in Morton.
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