Today we finished up a first round of raking in the backyard. Leaves are falling, but the colors are not very spectacular this year. Perhaps it takes a lot of cold to make the leaves change color (and it has been pretty mild so far), but the change in hours of daylight makes the leaves fall. Karen acquired tickets for a 1.5 hour cruise on the paddleboat Spirit of Peoria. We went this afternoon and saw some color. Katie liked to dance to the music before the cruise started, but was a bit intimidated by the big paddlewheel when it moved. This particular cruise was to feature the spreading of ashes upon the river (we thought they were those of a Vietnam vet) complete with 21 gun salute. Kris and I were indoors when that happened, but Karen and Katie got very lightly dusted with ashes blowing around in the wind. We thought that was kind of creepy to be dusted with the ashes of a dead person, but we have since found out that they were ashes of burned flags, see:
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