Spring break begins for Karen and me this week. I'm kind of stunned that the semester if half over already. Sometimes I wish it would slow down; sometimes I wish it would speed up and be over with. Kris went to an ACSI music event at Olivet Nazarene College on Friday and Saturday to sing in a mass choir with her peers from Illinoius and other states. Karen went along as a chaperone. Both enjoyed the trip. Katie and I went to ChuckECheese on Friday night - her very first time. The black-and-white picture-taking car is still there - I have attached my own B&W pic to share with you. And yes, I went in the tubes with Katie. Interestingly, when I dug out old ticket count receipts that we had been saving some of them dated back to 2003, when Kristine was 4 years old! We had a good time. Yesterday, we went to the Lakeview Museum to do science demos and see the Jim Henson exhibit (you may recall the Kris and I saw it at the Museum of Science and Industry back in January). Lots of people were there for the exhibit, so we got to do demos for lots of people. You could not take pictures of the muppets at this exhibit, either, although in the picture of Katie with the glovebox, Kermit the Frog is a green blur in the background. We made leprechaun coins by coating pennies with zinc to make them look silver, then heating the pennies over a hot plate to alloy the zinc and copper to make a gold color (which is really brass). One of my students had the bright idea to run the altered pennies through the souvenier press at the museum, so I have also attached a picture of that (left to right: normal, zinc-coated, brass-coated). I have also been keeping a half an eye on the horrible earthquake/tsunami/nuclear power plant events in Japan. Surprisingly (to me) many people in my 8 and 9 am classes on Friday knew about the quake. I have been showing them this attached pic that I shot in 2005 along the Washington coast when I mention it. Lots of opportunity for prayer in this scary event. I enjoy a good disaster flick, but the real footage was disturbing even for me. CNN.com has been really annoying me by referring to the past couple of nuclear power plant explosions as nuclear blasts in their headers. I know that these organizations hype headlines, but this is too irresponsible for my tastes.
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