Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday

Today we went to Ash Wednesday sevices. Our church here had four services, and at least two were quite well attended. Our wily pastor did the whole Mass first, then did the sermon and then did the ashes at the end. I got the impression that he does this to get people to actually attend the whole Mass. He also pointed out that Sunday Masses were more important than Ash Wednesday. Today's temps got to 88; Thursday's high should be similar. After that temps will be more like the average for this time of year (60s).

Yesterday was Mardi Gras, and also Karen's and my 18.5 year anniversary. Kris was not feeling well, so we took Katie to a Chinese restaurant and then later went for a walk. Yesterday my parents also arrived safely in Green Bay from their trip to visit us. One last tidbit: yesterday morning I finished rereading 1 Kings on the bus ride in. As I was finishing, somebody got in the bus and started ranting loudly, obscenely, and racistly (?) about people going to hell. I thought the timing was interesting because 1 Kings has a lot to say about good and bad prophets.

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