Warm weather, and the live oak leaves continue to fall. The Texas mountain laurels look and smell pretty. Today is Texas Independence Day, see:
http://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/texas-independence-day. The last couple days have been a little crazy. Yesterday, Kris flew from Dallas to Peoria to surprise her friend Regan for her birthday. Sounds like much fun is being had. She returns early next week. At about 4 am yesterday there was a fire in one of the chemistry labs at the UT-Austin. Nobody was hurt, thank God, but the lab with the fire was above the main Stevenson lab and student office space (including my work area - which was not as impacted as some). There is a lot of water damage (with tile fragments) to lab benches, but a lot of the really expensive equipment was spared. Today we were allowed in for a while to do some specialized cleanup, but companies are also hired to do more cleaning. We hope to regain full lab access next week.
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