Sunday, November 4, 2012

Election Approaches and Other Things

Thanks, Barak Obama, for your ad encouraging early voting - the content polarized me enough to do so. I was 4th in line in West Peoria on Friday morning. The check-in computer crashed after voter #1, but the very-stressed judge kept things moving and I made it to my 8:30 office hour. It was more annoying not being able to vote in some regional races where we still had to endure the advertisements. Karen voted later in the afternoon. 

The cool weather has been driving mice indoors - we set out traps last night and caught 3 of them, but none tonight. Many of the leaves are off the trees and we have been keeping up with the raking. 

Saw something interesting at Sunday school.  Eight Kindergarteners (all Caucasian and suntan free, mostly blond-haired and blue-eyed) were asked to describe themselves.  Their responses to hair and eye color were immediate, but they all struggled to describe their skin color.  My favorite response was "skin-colored".  Nobody said "white".  I hope I am not somehow insulting anyone, but I thought it was was kind of inspiring that they were not quickly categorizing thmeselves as white, black, red, yellow, purple, green, or any other color.

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