Friday, April 19, 2013

April 2013 Flooding

We had about 4 inches of rain from training thunderstorms with lots of lightning over about a day or so ending yesterday.  Since the ground was already pretty wet from 3 inches of rain the week before, a lot of the rain turned into runoff which has led to flooding.   So many images on the news to describe, both here and throughout northern Illinois. One image that stands out is of Kickapoo Creek actually flowing over the Farmington road bridge, which was closed yesterday and was still closed today.  Another is a bit more odd - the floodwaters reaching almost up to the Hardee's Restaurant in Bartonville.  The waters of the creek are starting to recede, but the Illinois River will probably crest at record-setting levels on Tuesday or so. (It came close in 2009 - see the March 14, 2009, blog entry.)  Here is an excellent link about the river level:  Last night we lost power for a bit over an hour, and our home internet did not come back until tonight.  The cold that followed the storms has produced flurries today (I'm not sure those tomato plants I put in last Sunday will survive). We are thankful that we came out pretty unscathed with mere inconveniences in scheduling and rerouted traffic.  A lot of people need prayers from these events, however.  Here are some pictures, including a visit to Dry Run Creek in Bradley Park on Thursday morning (whitewater rafting, anyone?) and along a reopened portion of Kickapoo Creek Road from this morning.  Note in the last picture, the water is just under the railroad trestle at left, and at right, the floodwaters have washed stones out from under the rails and railroad ties.

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