Sunday, June 23, 2013

Church Picnic and Another Windy Storm

Yesterday St. Anthony's Church had its annual picnic. Good singing at Mass, good hog roast, and good games for the kids, but one unique feature this year was the mortgage burning for the church building.  Today  that family went to see Monster's University (and we enjoyed it).  We joked on the way in to the theater that most times we attend that venue there is a rainstorm, however, there was none forecast for today.  We walked out of the show into the tail end of a thunderstorm!  Spectacular lightning on the way home, and our house/yard was fine, but when I drove to Bradley University's campus a little while later I found a fair number of broken branches and trees down, along with deep puddles and a car in the ditch.  One tree on campus fell partway into the street (if you look closely at one of the pictures, you might see a glimpse of the gray parked car (ahead of the dark blue one) that the tree has engulfed.

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