Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day III

Yesterday afternoon though this morning we had another snow event that caused many of the local schools, including Bradley, to shut down.  My 7:30-9 am exam scheduled for this morning will now be held on Friday.  I went back to bed after getting the news and slept in a little, and spent the day on minor home improvements and working on a presentation for later this month.  One of the things we did was take down all of the winter decorations.  We often do not take them down until mid-March, but we are a bit fed up with winter.  On the other hand, if we had a bit more snow I could dig out the snowshoes.  I'm glad our neighbor a couple doors up saw us shoveling the six inches of snow and came over with his snowblower to make short work of it. My understanding is that the roads are more poorly plowed in the city of Peoria than our street.  Our firewood supply is dwindling, but since we only use the wood stove occasionally I think we will be fine this winter. Karen made some of the fresh snow into ice cream tonight.

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