Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Pi Day!

Today was the first day of Spring Break for Katie, Kris, and me.  This morning, Katie and I fixed up some rabbit fence around the garden that got squashed in a wet, heavy snow back on February 1. I got ambitious and planted a couple of onion sprouts in the mud and at one point I thought my boots were going to get stuck in the muck! Today also Katie and I went on a walk to a nearby open space to try to fly kites.  We had limited success - the wind was not very consistent and Katie had to run to keep her kite up.  On the way there and back, Katie worked on learning to ride her bike.  There is improvement.  Kris spent 11 hours of today working at a church choir fundraiser - a St. Patrick's Day dinner.  I am proud of her and others for working so hard on this - and the food was good, too.  Karen and I celebrated Pi Day by having shepherd's pie. One of my godsons helped with the cleanup.

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