Sunday, March 8, 2015

Warmer Weekend

On Friday, Katie participated in her school's speech meet and did well. On Saturday morning, I did see a little of Kris rehearsing for Peoria Christian High School's production of "Godspell" - it looks like it will be a great (and sometimes intense) show.  On Saturday afternoon, Kris participated in a duet in a Solo&Ensemble event and did well (sorry, no pictures of that).  Meanwhile, some of Katie's friends came over to play in the melting snow in our backyard - it got to 50 this weekend.  With the all the melting I made a last attempt to see some ice falls a couple mile from here that I have been seeing from the road.  It is in a pasture surrounded by barbed wire, and as I found out, some brambles, but I tried to shoot some pictures through the fence.  It is probably not as impressive as the ice caves up at the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior, but it is a lot closer.

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