Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Kris and a fountain

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Karen's birthday

Friday, June 26, 2009
Summery things

HOT this week in Peoria with highs in the 90s and heat indices over 100. At the same time Bradley University's science building has HVAC problems and was in the 60s indoors. Bugs has been a little ill this week, but I think/hope he is pulling out of it. Here is a picture of him resting next to an air conditioner vent. Our garden is doing all right: lettuce is fine and we are starting to get peas, black raspberries (big sign of summer peak), a few yellow beans, and five blueberries from a bush extracted from northern Wisconsin. I think this is the first time we succeeded on the beans and blueberries. Everybody has heard about the deaths of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson; RIP all of them. I have this dim memory of seeing Michael Jackson doing his moonwalk on TV in the early 80s and wondering "how did he do that"? Tonight we went to the Forest Park Nature Preserve to attend a firefly program (fireflies are another big sign of summer peak). The weather has cooled and dried somewhat, which made it less conducive for fireflies than earlier this week, but it was a nice show and I got a few time exposure pictures. I forgot to bring a tripod - it is hard to hold perfectly still for 15 seconds! Oddly, few signs of cicadas yet.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Matthiessen State Park

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Saturday items

Our firewood supply got so low last winter that I finally bought half a face cord today. I hope to add more from other sources.
Tonight St. Anthony's celebrated its 40th anniversary. Bishop Daniel Jenky presided over Mass, and there was a dinner to celebrate afterward. I think he sort of looks like Santa Claus.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Outdoors stuff

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Rocketry and fishing

Later, we were witness to a con artist at work at a local McDonalds. She would stand next to the newspaper stand and pretend to have trouble opening it. A kind person would give her another quarter to put in the machine. She would pretend to open the machine as they walked off, but hit the return to get the money back and start the whole game over. The manager chased her off. It seems to me that was a lot of work for very little yield.
After that, we went to the mall to attend a cash refund event by the state of Illinois. We found out that we have a little bit of money owed to us by a Seattle utility company. While we were waiting in line a local news crew filmed the event, so we got on the local news (in the background).
This weekend is free fishing weekend in Illinois and Wisconsin, so today Kris and I again made an attempt to catch a fish. I'm a lousy fisherman - I have not caught a fish in over a decade. We have a couple poles and some tackle, so Kris and I have made attempts on free fishing weekends for about four or five years, when we are in town. This afternoon we tried a lake at Wildlife Prairie Park we have never tried before. It appears that the lake was loaded with hungry bluegills, and though our hooks were often robbed of their worms and corn, it was fun to watch the bobbers go under not long after casting. AND Kris caught one! After taking the six-inch bluegill home to measure it and show Karen we let it loose in Kickapoo Creek.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Soccer Camp

Monday, June 1, 2009
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