Here is a picture from 4 years ago today, along the Pacific Ocean in Olympic National Park. It was a beautiful evening. Assorted week. I stuck myself in the hand with a needle in the lab a couple days ago and it left a bit of a welt. I saw a doctor about it and it appears to be getting better. Last night Karen and I attended a CPR and AED class at our church. The resuscitation techniques have gotten simpler over the years. Yesterday the weather started to get quite warm and humid - looks like summer is finally here. The fireflies are really coming out. Our strawberries are done, and our gardens seem to be doing well. Lettuce, anyone? We had a severe thunderstorm rumble through at 5 am (Karen and I heard it coming, but Kris can sleep through just about anything). No hail here, but an inch of rain, wind, and the sky looked like a strobe light with all the lightning. Small branches down here, and a few doors up the street a house has its power line angling down across the street (with plently of room left for a vehicle, however). Karen saw broken and uprooted trees in town. Tonight we are watching "Slumdog Millionaire", it is nice. A couple days ago I saw "Coneheads" (it's been a long time). We saw it a drive-in in South Dakota on our honeymoon and again in Seattle in a hotel near our first anniversary. What is the significance of seeing it now? I found it in the video store!
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