Friday, August 21, 2009

40th Birthday

I turned 40 today. In months previous I approached this day with a little bit of dread, which is kind of's not like one suddenly ages horribly on this day. One cannot slow the inexorable march of time. Though I have not accomplished all I want to by age 40, in the grand cosmic scheme of things they probably do not make much difference. Besides, considering all the blessings I have, it dawned on me today that complaining about a mere birthday might be a bit of an insult to the One who got me this far. Today is also Karen's and my 16th anniversary. Today was sort of low-key, I dropped Kris off, went to work, and then went shopping in the late afternoon with Karen and Kris. We went to dinner with the Bosmas tonight, and now we are watching TV. Next weekend we plan to have a party. Here are pictures of a rainbow and a sunset - both from today.

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