Wednesday, January 6, 2010

T minus 2 days

Here are pix from trips to Chinatowns in Chicago and Seattle. We are still poking at packing for China. We brought Bugs over to some friends house for a long baby, er, bunnysit. I'm going to miss him. We are loading up a couple MP3 players with music - one Kris owns and the other on loan. We have also been loaned a bunch of extra camera memory cards. We are still awaiting many of the travel details in China and a snowstorm has moved into the midwest. We pray both of those issues will be essentially resolved by Friday morning. UPDATE: I went to check on the snow (2.5 inches so far) and there was an envelope in the door with the schedule (thank God)! A few details:
Fri., Jan. 8 - Peoria to Chicago, Chicago toward Shanghai
Sat., Jan. 9 - arrive Shanghai, Shanghai to Beijing
Tues., Jan. 12 - Beijing to Guiyang, receive child
Fri., Jan. 22 - Guiyang to Gaungzhou
Fri., Jan. 29 - Guangzhou to Shanghai to Chicago to Peoria
Today a quote from the movie Apollo13 popped into my head. Tom Hanks as Jim Lovell said "All right, there's a thousand things that have to happen in order. We are on number eight. You're talking about number six hundred and ninety-two."

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