Today was our Visa appointment at the U.S. Consulate. It was very anti-climatic. Our guide actually went for us so all we had to do was wait in our room in case she called with a problem. We waited for a couple of hours, just to be sure and then decided to head out and do some shopping. I hate shopping in general, but the shops around here are so cute and the owners/workers are so friendly. I am a horrible negotiator and everything is negotiable - though they always tell you, "no, no this is already special price". We are not very good at holding our ground, though and though we have not paid the asking price, we haven't really gotten the price down very much. I am really bad at garage sales, too.
Other than shopping, we really did not do much more than hang around and enjoy each other's company. I am getting lots of hugs and kisses and SOMETIMES I am even allowed to carry Katie when we are outside. She is definitely more willing to walk with the squeakers on her shoes, but she doesn't want to be held back by holding hands, so we have to insist that she be carried at times. The streets on the island are very narrow and there is barely room for one car and one person on the road. Most of the sidewalks are closed because of construction so it is really not a good place for a 3 year old on her own power.
The highlight of my day came at bedtime. First of all, Katie is a big imitator and she is repeating most of what we say and using a little big of English on her own (hi, hello, bye-bye, NO, and hey - for example). I was getting my good night hug and kiss and I said, "Love you" to Katie. She responded with the most precious and enthusiastic "Love you" back that I almost started to cry. Instead, I did a little dance and clapped, which she thought was funny. She was not so enthusiastic 45 minutes later when I relieved Dean and laid down with her until she cried herself to sleep. Was it the 45 minute nap or the orange soda at dinner that made going to bed so hard tonight? We may never know. She looks so peaceful over there now with Mickey in one arm! I can't wait until you all get to meet her. Once she opens up, she all comedian.
Tomorrow we have "red couch" pictures at 10 and "swearing in" at 2:15. If you don't know what that means, tune in tomorrow and find out (actually, tune in even if you do :) ).
We got the orange soda at a Subway restaurant tonight - the other soda flavors available were Pepsi, 7-Up, grape, and we think green apple (not too bad for a test sip, but not what we want to drink for the entire meal). The meal was pretty western, and multiple sources assured us the veggies were OK to eat (recall we really have to watch out for that because we do not know how well they have been washed). Barbeque flavored potato chips seem to be popular in China, and tonight we had Lay's "Mexican Tomato Chicken Flavor" potato chips. It is hard to find "plain" potato chips, and I don't think I have seen corn chips as we know them.
This area is a bit more racially diverse than anywhere else that we have been in China. We were definitely a minor minority in Guiyang - in the 10 days we were there we probably saw less than 10 white individuals. It did not bother me too much, except when we got lots of people staring at a white guy with a 3 year old asian girl on his shoulders. What bothered me more is my linguistic ineptitude. What is kind of fun is when someone comes up to you and wants to try their English out on you, or wants their picture taken with our blonde Kristine. We have heard similar stories from others.
Anyway, here is a pic of me entertaining Katie with a marionette at a stand during shopping tonight.
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