Saturday, June 5, 2010

Katie's Birthday Part 2 and Stormy Night

Today started out drizzly. I tried to pull weeds out of the muddy veggie garden this morning. This afternoon, Katie had a birthday party at a local Culver's restaurant. We had a bunch of kids, parents, and a visit from Scoopie himself (Culver's mascot). We had fun. After that we went to Lidia Bosma's high school graduation party for a while and had fun. We headed home as bad weather approached the area. Lots of sirens tonight. A rotating thunderstorm dropped a tornado onto Elmwood and other places. The storm crossed over the north end of Peoria, but left the city unscathed. A little while later another rotating storm headed our way but moved to the south. I got a few fuzzy pictures of that storm as the edge passed over us - I think maybe you can sort of see the arcing lines of the rotating storm in the second storm picture.

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