Friday, June 18, 2010

Sometimes the hardest part of the entry is the title...

We went to a Chinese restaurant a few days ago and noticed subtleties in the decor we would have never noticed before the China trip: male and female lion statues at the door, see:; dragon and phoenix, see:; and the Great Wall in the sculpture only had notches on one side (to observe and shoot from - the side facing away from China). I would love to go back to see more of the country, I was telling somebody it was like you visited the U.S. when you spent a few days in Washington, DC, several days in Milwaukee (with a visit to a couple of Indian reservations), and several days in a few square blocks of Miami. Our van has been having troubles lately, so I have occasionally been riding my bike into school. I am halfway through my second interim class. Today Karen and Kris traveled to Chicago, so I hung out with Katie. We went for a walk to look at the clouds and the flowers, producing these pictures.

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