The much anticipated "Snowmageddon" storm system rolled over us from Monday to today. Monday was a couple inches, then a break. Tuesday the snow began in earnest. (We even had lightning and thunder with the snow - only about the 3rd time I have ever experienced that). Karen, Kris, and I would go out once in a while to shovel. The snow was done by the time we got up this morning, and our street and our driveway were clear by 1 pm. All told, we had 15" of snow these past few days. Our deepest snow was over 3 feet in a spot that fortunately we did not have to shovel. The average season snow to date is 16" - this year we have 46". Schools for Katie and Kris were canceled Tuesday through Thursday; for me Bradley closed at noon on Tuesday, and (much to my surprise) will still be closed Thursday. Kris missed school Monday, too, due to some sort of strep throat strain and is still under the weather. Katie has had a fever, too. My sister has relayed some storm stories from Chicago - sounds like things were worse up there. Kris built a huge blanket fort in the living room yesterday and slept in it last night and tonight. This afternoon we played outside a little bit. We certainly had the snow to use the snowshoes! We outfitted the snowmen we set up on Saturday in Packer garb. With this cold, the wet snow they were made from are hard as rocks.
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