Tuesday, July 29, 2008

VBS pic and an older

Here is a pic of Kris at VBS from Sunday night. She is raising her hand near the front of the pic and sporting denim shorts and nerdy glasses. (Why are scientists stereotyped as having nerdy glasses and goofy hair)? VBS is going well: Kris is enjoying herself and Karen is handling the class and the demos quite well.

I'm at a conference in Bloomington, IN, at Indiana University. We got here at 5:30 pm (forgot about the time change) after the registration officially closed, but someone was there to take care of us. This is a huge campus, and the direction signs typical of these meetings were maddeningly absent. Also included is a picture from the Mt. Baker, WA, area from a year ago. Southern Indiana is prettier (more hills and trees) than I thought, but not THIS pretty! My colleague's and my talks are tomorrow morning, so I should get to bed soon.

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