Friday, July 1, 2011

Waterfall Day

On June 22, Katie and Kris hung out with my parents in Green Bay and Karen and I went for a long drive up to Iron Mountain, MI, stopping to look at waterfalls along the way (something we both like to do). There had been a LOT of rain recently, so the waterfalls were spectacular. We stopped at Dave's Falls (good county park), Smalley Falls (hard to get a full view of the falls), and Long Slide Falls (fairly undeveloped county park with a challenging hike and a fantastic waterfall - picture does not do it justice, see video below). All the tannins from the northwoods made the water brown, and the turbulence made pretty large balls of foam. I kept thinking of root beer floats. We finally got to Iron Mountain too late to see much, but we stopped at a bat overlook (the bats had dispersed for the summer), we bought some frozen pasties to eat later in the week (after all, this was Upper Michigan), we ate at a Storeheim's restaurant (there used to be one in Green Bay that we ate at on our wedding day), and I picked up iron-laden rocks along the way (so much red in one area it reminded me of pictures of Mars). On the way back we stopped at Fumee Falls, a really pretty falls/park right near the road just east of Iron Mountain, and I stopped at an artesian fountain near Norway. After all that we pretty much headed home. There was some flooding along the creek near my uncle's cabin when we got back.

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