On Monday, September 26, we visited the Pacific Science Center with Dace and Arlan. It is a great place: dinosaurs, buttterfly house, all sorts of cool stuff. After lunch we went on a trip down memory lane. We drove by both apartments that we lived in (2004-05 and 2007),the daycare center where Karen worked, and the church we went to. We also visited Kris's kindergarten school and met her teacher (who did not remember her), visited the Ballard Locks to see the boats and the fish ladder, drove by Golden Gardens (weather too crummy to get out), we ate at a Taco Time, and visited Gasworks Park. When we stopped at a Krispy Kreme for a donut (they do not have those in Peoria anymore) I locked the keys in the rental car. After we made it back to Dace's we finally saw Avatar - it was a pretty good movie.
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