Happy St. Patrick's Day! We sported green clothing, Karen made green scrambled eggs and ham, and that was pretty much it. People have been asking me how things have been going with the surgery recovery. I have been hurting less each day - no Vicodin, just Advil today. Sneezing, coughing, and blowing my nose do not feel real great. I ran errands today with Karen for a few hours - afterward I felt sore like I had been hiking hard for that time. I got to take some bandages off today and the view in the mirror was a little scarier than usual. I'm sporting some interesting marks and atypical colors in various places, and when I look at myself I am reminded of what happened to Joe Pesci's character at the hospital in Lethal Weapon 3 (not exactly the same, but that's a very roundabout description anyway). Another typical side-effect...well...suffice it to say that I have found out that prune juice tastes like liquid raisins.
January 22, 2010, has already been blogged about: how our flight from Guiyang to Guangzhou was delayed, so our guide took us to a park zoo and to a wonderful lunch, and how Katie did better on the flight than she did at the long wait at the airport. Another painful typo - the pretty frosted glass panel refers to the setting "sud".
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