Kris played dress-up with Katie a couple days ago, so here are some cute pictures. Our frog eggs hatched a couple days ago; the tadpoles were only about 3/16 of an inch long. We think they might be chorus frogs. Today Karen took Katie to an (indoor) swimming pool. She enjoyed it; what a pleasant contrast to our attempt to take her swimming in China. Tonight I took Katie to the local mall to walk around. She had the opportunity to meet the Easter Bunny, but he was gone for the night by the time I got down to see him - I'm not sure how she would have responded to him anyway. I found some dancing plants at the Hallmark store. These plastic plants are solar powered and bob up and down when light hits them and they remind me of China because our drivers there had them on their van dashboards. The lady at the Hallmark store commented that they relatively recent imported product. Here are examples of what I am talking about:
http://blazingzone.com/flowers.html?gclid=CKyPoeGP2KACFQshDQodclyMEwI should probably get to bed soon: I'm done grading exams for tonight and blogging while I listen to 80s music on YouTube.
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