Thursday - Katie got registered for kindergarten at Pillow Elementary School, she starts a week from today; I worked on an NSF preproposal based on that idea that I had the previous Saturday (long shot, but I want feedback)
Friday - Katie got stung by a fire ant - now we know what those look like - she's fine and I brushed these off my finger before I got stung. NSF preproposal due, but thankfully got something submitted; skipped work because the moving truck arrived and we unpacked a good share of it in the heat; so excited to have a bed that I did not wait for a mattress
Saturday - got a couple local high schoolers (friends of friends) to help us unload the heavy stuff from the truck in the morning; the weather cooperated with lots of clouds and rain passing to the north (the high only reached the 90; the record-setting streak of consecutive 100 degree days in Austin ended at 27); Mass at St. Albert the Great
Sunday - the paper chain represents the number of days that we are here in Texas and a reminder to make every day count if possible; fossil hunting with Kris and Katie at Walnut Creek; Kris did very well, finding some impressive shells (including a sizable ammonite chunk); later in the afternoon we were visited by some old friends from graduate school days some 15 years ago; we went swimming with their kids and then went to dinner; high tempd back over 100, but saw rain, rainbows, and a lighting stroke in the area; we got a sprinkle at our apartment (first rain since I arrived)
Monday -much of the unpacking is done; Karen and the girls went grocery shopping and I went to work; Kris caught a gecko tonight - these things are so tiny we do not know what to feed them
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