Arrived in Austin a week ago. While Karen, Kris, and Katie and a bunch of friends and relatives busted their backsides to load the truck in Peoria, I was sort of twiddling my thumbs. This morning I made my way to Walnut Creek (different spot this time) to do more fossil hunting. More shells - the good news is that I'm not taking every one I see. I met some people doing water quality tests as part of the Colorado River (the one in Texas that goes through Austin) watershed monitoring. That data can be found at:
http://crwn.lcra.org/. I found some dried waterfalls that are probably pretty when it rains. That's not cement on the falls, those are natural tufa deposits. Despite the drought I saw fish, a lizard (skink?) and tiny toads no bigger than my fingernail. No mosquitoes. At lunchtime I went out again to explore a shopping area. Visiting Harbor Freight when you live in a apartment is kind of like being in a candy store with no money. The rest of the day I puttered around the apartment - I did come up with a half-baked research idea, probably for when I get back to Bradley. Tonight I watched "Terminator Salvation", a good movie to not torture the wife and kids with.
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