The pic is a result of trying to synthesize magnetite nanoparticles. As you can see, they are nanoparticles (in the range of 1-100 nanometers). This is not really a huge accomplishment (I was following someone else's procedure, it is only the first step in a longer procedure, and I actually was surprised that it worked), but it shows that I am learning new things (slowly). There has been a kind postdoc who has been showing me the ropes, including taking this electron microscope image while I learn. Not a lot else to report and not many pix lately. Yesterday I left my cell phone on the bus, but a kind homeless guy recovered it and (long story short) got it back to me. This is not what I call a dangerous city, but there are people of all sorts on the bus (usually harmless, one loud one today was sort of frightening to multiple people). I usually just tune out the world with my MP3 player. Forgot to mention that someone stole the orange cones we set out this weekend to control parking around the moving trailer; happily the driver could still recover the trailer on Monday. The heat, I think I mentioned that I call it "the Texas toast" continues, so I think Kris and I will visit the pool....we did, and wound up playing pool volleyball with some girls - two will be high school seniors and a third graduated high school - I'm getting old, I thought they were like 14 or 15. They were nice and told Kris and I little tidbits about the area.
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