I walked to 8 am Mass to beat the heat and saw some sights along the way. Yesterday I walked by this electrical tower and thought that all the big dark feathers on the ground looked like the turkey buzzard feathers we find at my parents cabin, but I could not find a buzzard or nest. This morning, before the thermals kicked into high gear, it was a very different story. Maybe that's why when I found my first armadillo (flattened) a little later there was not much left. I walked on the bridge above the creek pool shown in yesterday's picture and it was full of decent-sized turtles. Mass was OK; I continue to be impressed with the diversity there, but today's priest's thick Asian accent was hard to follow. On the way home I took a long detour through the Walnut Creek park again. More fossils, but I also got a better feel for the scope of the park. It has a good number of trails and looks sort of wild and you can get a little lost if you are not careful, but you are really not too terribly far from civilization. I'm looking forward to more exploration with the family. I bailed out again at about 10:30, that's about as far as willing as I am to go in the heat at this time. I walked outside to a late lunch this afternoon, but spend most of the rest of the time indoors (for now - I get a little cabin feverish). I'm not sure if today's high will quite cross 100 today (really close), making it the coldest day since I arrived (could have fooled me). If I am reading the data correctly, last week had 4 daily high temperature records broken. People continue to pray for rain. This squirrel was trying to keep cool on the steps just outside my apartment door.
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